Belinda Gore


KEYNOTE: Staying Awake in Our Relationships

It’s so easy to fall asleep in our relationships.  Not literally, of course, but we are easily lulled into the same old unconscious reactive patterns underlying our Enneagram type.  But the Object Relations matrix underlying the Enneagram reveals how relationships are the ideal crucible for an alchemical transformation.  We can awaken from sleepy egoic repetition, filled with rage, fear and shame, to working with our triggered reactions and releasing limiting ways of relating.  We can learn to stay awake and find freedom.

You will be introduced to the Object Relations matrix underlying the nine Enneagram type structure and learn a few tools for staying awake in your relationships.

WORKSHOP:Object Relations Tools for Staying Awake in Our Relationships

Building on the Object Relations matrix underlying the Enneagram types, we will explore some tools for how to discern the three Dominant Affects as they are occurring within our relationships. 

As we also use tools to recognize when a pattern is triggered, we can apply a few simple strategies for untangling our reactions and finding new ways to respond within our relationships.  I’ll do a few demos and you’ll have a chance to practice your new tools.  You can discover for yourself the experience of freedom through staying awake in your relationships rather the sluggishness of the same old issues unresolved.

Belinda Gore

Belinda Gore began studying the Enneagram with Don Riso and Russ Hudson in 1990 and she continues as a student of the Diamond Approach with Enneagram writer and teacher Sandra Maitri.  A former IEA Board member, Belinda is an IEA Accredited Professional with Distinction. Her book, Finding Freedom: Understanding Our Relationships Using Object Relations and the Enneagram, is a ground-breaking approach to Object Relations and the Enneagram and serves as the text for her training courses for coaches, therapists and Enneagram enthusiasts. She teaches as an adjunct faculty member with The Deep Coaching Institute, an Enneagram-based coach training school focusing on somatic awareness and cultivating Presence.

