Tammy Hendrix

Tammy Hendrix

Step forward and beyond personality typing with an approach that celebrates the essence and wholeness of the Enneagram, embracing the nourishment of all nine types within.

You Are More Than A Type: Embracing Wholeness with the Enneagram of Essence

Let’s explore the pivotal question: “What makes the Enneagram important over a lifetime?” Discover how moving beyond your primary type into a journey with wholeness and essence continuously enriches your life. This session blends Enneagram wisdom with somatic psychology, introducing a new dimension to your practice.

Join Tammy on a two-part journey: initially through her personal story, steeped in a lifetime of Enneagram study and inner work, leading to a unique approach to self-awareness and embodiment. This is followed by a sensory journey around the Enneagram circle, guided by inspiring visualizations and somatic exercises that vividly bring each type’s essence to life.

Discover actionable steps of the Essence Embodiment Path to connect with your deeper nature and awaken resources within your head, heart, and gut. This exploration reveals that you are indeed more than a type and equips you with practical techniques to foster a more holistic and abundant sense of self.

Tammy Hendrix is an Enneagram therapist and instructor from Asheville, NC. She grew up immersed in the Enneagram through her mother’s involvement with Oscar Ichazo’s Arica School in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Certified in the Enneagram Embodiment Tradition, Tammy has over 25 years of experience studying and teaching the Enneagram. She is the author of You Are More Than A Type — Embracing Wholeness with the Enneagram of Essence, hosts The Enneagram in Therapy podcast, and shares weekly videos on her YouTube channel, Enneagram Essence, exploring the Enneagram through nature and gardening. Tammy also founded the IEA Accredited Essence Embodiment Certification Program.
